7 Reasons Why You Have Trouble Getting a Partner

Do you feel you have everything you need to get a partner and still haven’t found it? Just gave up? Feeling bad? Have no idea about finding your true love?

Don’t worry! It’s likely some of this happened to you. If you want to get a partner for a while but you still haven’t succeeded, you should know that you are not the only person in the situation. Many people seek daily advice for stable relationships but they still cannot find their partner and feel frustrated. Worse? The more frustrated you feel, the greater the cost of getting someone.

You may already know, but many things affect this problem. Among them, your attitude towards what you want to achieve.

You might not find your soul mate because you match one of these cases:

1. Your expectations are too high

Disney, Hollywood, literature, and TV have tried to make us believe that there is a perfect person for us there, somewhere, and that is just a matter of finding it. It can make you reject people who have a relationship with you, just because they don’t match the “prince / princess” print you are looking for.

I’m very sorry to have to tell you this, but no one is perfect. There are people we can love and with whom we can have a beautiful relationship, even though sometimes some of their shortcomings disturb us. If you want to have a stable relationship, having too high expectations can play against you.

2. Low self-esteem

In other cases, it might have happened otherwise than the first. Instead of believing that nothing is too good for you, you think you are not too good for anyone. If you have low self-esteem and think that no one can pay attention to you, chances are you will not do anything to make it happen. If you sit there, do nothing, wait for someone to come, it will never happen. And as long as nothing happens, you feel worse and more sure that you are not enough.

Remember this: You are an extraordinary person. Do you have a defect? Of course! We already said above that we all have it! But you can be the best partner for someone, as long as you give yourself a chance. Give yourself the opportunity to achieve what you want. Better to fail than not to fail but do nothing.

3. You are afraid

Many people fail to get a partner because, deep down, they are afraid to do so. Fear does not always take the same form, and in many cases the difficulty of getting a partner begins there, in an unconscious fear that you cannot identify.

Some of the most common fears that prevent you from getting a partner are:

4. Actually, you don’t want a partner

Many people believe they need a partner to do a number of things. Society has made us believe that we cannot be alone, especially women: traveling alone is dangerous, living alone is boring, a woman can only come true when she marries and becomes a mother. Then you might feel that you need to find a partner, but in reality don’t feel so excited. Think for a moment, do you really want to be with someone? Or are you just looking for a partner because you feel it will give you the right to certain things you want to do?

If this is your second choice, the best recommendation is: live life and stop looking for a partner now! Most likely, when doing what you want to do, your life intersects with someone who wants the same thing as you.

5. Extreme shame

You might also have to find a partner because you are a very shy person, who lives always worried about what other people will think. Because you can’t stand the criticism that makes you unstable, you end up moving away from any situation that can get you revealed. That includes meeting your potential mate. But the reality is that if you take care of yourself too much, you will not achieve anything. You know what they say: he who does not take risks, does not win.

6. You feel having a partner will damage other aspects of your life

Maybe you want to have a partner but you feel that getting it will limit some aspects of your life. That you will not be able to spend so much time on your work, that you will not be able to make that trip only if you have planned it, or that you will not be able to go more with your friends. But the question does not happen there, but based on the type of partner you are looking for.

A healthy relationship must be based on freedom and the possibility of sharing with others without losing one’s independence. If you understand that partners can also be like that, then maybe you will be encouraged to find it.

7. It’s not the time

If you feel that none of the above has identified you, then I’m sorry to let you know that surely the answer is what you don’t want to hear: maybe it’s not time yet. Believe me that things arrive when they have to, and there is no way. Maybe it’s time you focus on yourself and enjoy what you like. Your soul mate will arrive when you really need to let it enter your life.

What if you have got a partner? What do you have to do to build your relationship?

Just as the love we feel for our partners is important, spirituality is an important habit for both of us to be happy with each other. Living with someone composes a set of fundamental aspects. One of them is the way we practice our religious beliefs or whatever we believe. They can coexist in the same house and we can even encourage them, enrich them with each other’s ideas.

As humans, we always look for happiness. It is common to think that we can find it in external matters, such as buying a car, having luxury clothes or traveling. However, finding happiness is within us and spirituality has a lot to do with it.

Follow this advice

Here are some other tips that I think are important:

  • Before forcing others to follow your spiritual path, start with yourself. First, we must have our own spiritual journey. If you don’t know, it is recommended to get at least a relationship reading online.
  • We must not hurry and put less pressure on our partners. If one of them wants more, he must wait for the other to reach the same level of spirituality. All the time.
  • Perform spiritual tasks together: pray, meditate or other activities that you think are important.

Hopefully this article can provide insight for you about why you have trouble getting a partner. Thank you for reading and good luck in your searching for true love. If you think this article is useful, you can share this article through your social media.

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Written by Angela Carpenter

Angela Kaye Carpenter has a knack in writing about relationships. She brings years of expertise in this space. She has served as the Sr Marketing Copywriter at JDS Marketing, and Marketing and Content Writer at Vertu Marketing, Offix, Suburban Snapshot, and The Gillenwater Group. You can find her on Twitter. Read more of Angela's articles.

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